



You don’t have to sit back and wait for disruptions to happen. 稽查员 订单管理 empowers you to be proactive about your supply chain and take control before issues arise. 我们提供深刻的见解, tailored solutions to keep your orders moving as scheduled and help you successfully plan for the future.





传统物流本质上是被动的. Having the ability to adapt to unforeseen changes in your order process will help you avoid delays before they happen.

订单管理 utilizes technology and the expertise of our network to optimize your supply chain and successfully adapt as needed. If you know what’s happening across your supply chain, you can solve issues before they cause a disruption.






We are fortunate to have partnered with a 零售er of 沃尔格林' caliber for over 30 years.

作为一家大型国际零售商, a top priority for 沃尔格林 is ensuring they have the right products, 适量的, 在合适的时间上架. 稽查员 订单管理 allows them to do all of that while also providing peace of mind.







Stay in control, even when things don’t go according to plan

The importance of supply chain visibility and control is never more obvious than during an industry disruption. Prompt communication amongst stakeholders of at-risk orders, 与那些按计划进行的人相比, 是至关重要的.

Our 订单管理 solutions – while always valuable - prove to be especially useful during turbulent times.

Learn here how six customers used 订单管理 to navigate disruptions.








标准化的流程, 数据完整性, 更大的可视性, experienced professionals all over the world are essential pieces that make it possible for an international supply chain to flow smoothly and according to plan. 简单地说,我们提供 值得信赖的数字物流.






使用订单管理为您的 零售 needs allows you to face multiple projects with all the resources and expertise you need on one single platform. 稽查员 provides multi-level services for your 零售 industry by introducing best practices, 目前的分析, creative solutions that can optimize inventory and reduce shipping costs.

With the power of 订单管理, overseeing your 零售 supply chain has never been so organized. Allow us to pave the way to a new avenue for inventory management solutions, design your optimal 零售 methods for an empowering supply chain.

汽车 & 流动性


Incoming technology is revolutionizing the industry of 汽车 and mobility, 记录你的 汽车 needs with 订单管理 is crucial to ensuring your equipment is secure and timely. 订单管理 allows you to gain visibility and take control of your supply chain with solutions that provide value through optimization and industry expertise.

Learn more about how we moved premium vehicles by airfreight, helped support the global emergence of electric vehicles, bring order and product-level visibility throughout 汽车 supply chains to create milestones opportunities.

航空 & 航空航天


In a heavily regulated industry, managing the unpredictability of your 航空 供应链具有变革性. Through valuable visibility for managing inventory, 尽量减少维修延误, 降低成本, 航空 customers can control and oversee this generally complex process. 有追踪和控制的能力, 订单管理 allows customers flexible shipment routing and matching of import and export-controlled shipments.





Streamline your ocean shipments and create a mutually beneficial relationship for you and your 航空公司 with 载波分配. This service helps forecast shipments weeks in advance to 预订 to ensure proactive planning and efficiency. 这很划算, 可中断, 并通过连接客户来缩短交货时间, 航空公司, 和代理.


与交付管理, you can not only attain full visibility of your supply chain, but you can also track and plan container deliveries with a managed solution. 阅读更多十大正规买球平台即将到来的 交付管理 服务,以利用您的供应链.





载波分配订单管理交付管理 are unique solutions that address specific challenges in a customer's supply chain network. 每个服务都可以独立存在, or seamlessly integrate to improve the process of planning, 预订, 和交付.

全集装箱管理是独一无二的, 十大正规买球平台支持的托管服务, providing unparalleled visibility throughout the entire shipment journey. Backed by industry experts who understand the nuances of international container movement, 全货柜管理 is service provider neutral and available to all.



“稽查员有 , 流程, 系统 that are standardized throughout the globe and that is something that is core to any order management provider."

 ——桑德拉·麦卡锡,全球运输总监 & 海关合规





第五集:供应链弹性:控制vs. 影响

“There’s no preventing it, there’s only learning to navigate it.” When things go awry, are you prepared to take action? How does your organizations' choices impact your partners, your business, your customers? 米歇尔·韦弗, 全球订单管理高级副总裁, talks about navigating through immense challenges by switching focus from controlling the situation, 影响你的选择,创造强大, 有效的结果.